It is the policy of the University of New Hampshire (UNH) to maintain a safe environment for its students, academic appointees, staff, and visitors in an atmosphere that encourages those individuals to communicate on occupational and environmental health and safety matters without fear of reprisal. Based on recognized principles and published standards of environmental protection, academic excellence, fiscal responsibility, and public service, UNH will promote comprehensive life safety and injury prevention and effective Hazardous Material Communication, Emergency Preparedness, and Environmental Management Programs. UNH operations shall be conducted in conformance with applicable laws, regulations, and relevant published standards and practices for health, safety, and environmental protection.
The University Police Department is responsible for Emergency management at UNH. Under the general direction of the Chief of Police, the Emergency Management Division coordinates emergency planning initiatives for the University and is responsible for the development and/or maintenance of department-level plans and providing assistance in university-level planning. for more information on Emergency Management and services offered by the University Police Department, visit the Emergency Management Page.
UNH Integrated Contingency Plan
The Integrated Contingency Plan (ICP) has been prepared for the University of New Hampshire (the facility) pursuant to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations (40 CFR Part 112) promulgated July 1, 2008 as amended through April 1, 2009) and Hazardous Waste Regulations (40 CFR 260-265), the New Hampshire Hazardous Waste Rules (Env-Hw 100-1100) effective January 28, 2009, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Emergency Response requirements for facilities engaging in hazardous waste operations (29 CFR 1910.120). The ICP establishes preparedness, prevention, planning, spill response, and spill notification procedures as set forth in these State and federal regulations.
UNH proactively manages and updates each of the programs outlined in the appendices of the ICP. The certification of the ICP by the Nobis New Hampshire licensed Professional Engineer pertains only to the SPCC provisions. For questions about the ICP, contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
UNH Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Program
The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 establishes requirements for Federal, State and local governments and industry regarding emergency planning and "Community Right-to-Know" reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals. This law builds on numerous Federal, State and local programs aimed at helping communities to better meet their responsibilities in regard to potential chemical emergencies. The Right-to-Know provisions help to increase the public's knowledge and access to information on the presence of hazardous chemicals in their communities and releases of these chemicals into the environment. Through this mechanism States and communities, working with facilities, will be better able to improve chemical safety and protect public health and the environment.
Among the key provisions of EPCRA, Sections 311 and 312 require annual submission of chemical inventory data (known as Tier II reports) by facilities to state and local planning officials for incorporation into ongoing emergency planning. Tier II data is available to the public through local emergency planning committees (LEPCs).
Although EPCRA is a federal requirement, its output--development of comprehensive emergency plans and availability of chemical inventory and release data--is largely implemented at the state and local level, notably those provisions dealing with emergency planning. UNH submits its Tier II report annually to the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Safety and the Town of Durham.
View Emergency Procedures Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.
- Emergency Procedures: Spills
- UNH Emergency Preparedness
Contact Information
Karrie Myer, Environmental Compliance Manager
Perpetuity Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-1510